Eachweek, this programexplains the manymeanings of Englishexpressions.
Today’s expressionsinclude a veryimportantword -- heart.
We will try to get to “the heart of the matter” to better- understand the mostimportantthingsaboutwords and theirstories. Sotakeheart. Have no fearaboutlearningnewexpressions. Besides, popularEnglishwordscan be fun. There is no need for a heavyheart. Suchfeelings of sadnesswouldonlybreakmyheart, or makemefeelunhappy and hopeless.
Now, let us supposeyou and I werespeakingfreelyaboutsomethingprivate. We would be having a “heart-to-heart”discussion. I mightspeak“from the bottom of myheart,” or saythingshonestly and truthfully. I mighteven“openupmyheart” to you and tell a secret. I wouldspeak“withallmyheart,” or withgreatfeeling.
When a personsharesherfeelingsfreely and openlylike this, youmightsay she “wearsherheart on hersleeve,” or on herclothing. Heremotions are not protected.
If we had an honestdiscussion, both of us wouldknow that the otherperson’s heart is “in the rightplace.” For example, I wouldknow that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaningperson. And, ifyou are a verygoodperson, I wouldevensay that youhave “a heart of gold.” However, youmighthave“a change of heart” based on what I tellyou -- ourdiscussionmightcauseyou to change the wayyoufeelaboutsomething.
But, let us supposeyougetangryoverwhat I tellyou. Or worse, youfeel no sympathy or understanding for me or mysituation. If this happens, I mightthink that youhave“a heart of stone.” And, ifyousaysomething to makemefrightened or worried, myheartmightstandstill or “skip a beat.”
Yet, eventhoughyoumay be angry, I wouldknow that at heart, you are a kindperson. In reality, youdocare. And anyargumentbetween us would not causeme to “loseheart,” or feel a sense of loss.
“Myheartgoes out” to anyonewholoses a friendover an argument: it really is a sadsituation, and I feelsympathy for the peopleinvolved.
I promise that what I havetoldyoutoday is true – “crossmyheart.:
I reallywanted to playsomemusic at the end of this feature. In fact, I had my “heartset on it.” Sohere it is: “Don’t Go BreakingmyHeart” by EltonJohn.
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